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Software > Physical Media > Gift Ideas > Programming

Price: EUR 28,30

(as of 2012-11-06 23:26:11 PST)

Versandfertig in 1 - 2 Werktagen


Released: 2009-09-11

DasTelefonbuch Deutschland Herbst 2009 by TVG Verlag

Device Small Print

Model: TVG Verlag Media: CD-ROM Hardware Platform: LAPTOP Running Gadget: Windows 98
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ESTOS Das Telefonbuch 1 Person / Voraussetzungen fuer die Rueckwaertssuche: ProCall 2.2 Model 2.2.28. TAPI-faehige Endgeraete


Linux, Mac, Windows 2000, Windows Ninety Eight, Windows XP

Extra Details

Writer: TVG Verlag Class: Programming Binding: CD-ROM Language: Deutsch


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