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Software > Physical Media > Best Sellers > Web Development

Price: EUR 39,90

(as of 2012-11-06 23:31:25 PST)

Versandfertig in 3 - 4 Werktagen

Web Development

Released: 2011-04-27

Buying Choices

45 new from EUR 36,99
2 used from EUR 29,75

(as of 2012-11-06 23:31:25 PST)

Joomla! Templates – Das perfekte Design für Ihre Joomla!-Website by Galileo Press

Instrument Vital Points

Model: Galileo Press Media: DVD-ROM Hardware Platform: now not Pc Explicit Working Software: not Computing Software Explicit
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Linux, Mac OS X, Residence Windows 7, Home Windows Vista, Dwelling Windows XP

Product Features

  • Eigene Weblayouts entwickeln und anpassen – inklusive Suchmaschinenoptimierung und Barrierefreiheit
  • Die eigene Joomla!-Web Page kreativ gestalten
  • Joomla!-Templates entwerfen und umsetzen
  • Aktuell zu Joomla! 1.6, 1.7 und 2.5

Extra Vital Points

Writer: Galileo Press Classification: Web Building Binding: DVD-ROM Language: Deutsch

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